Personal branding when you are "just" an employee

“Personal branding is overrated.” 

What’s the deal with building this personal brand? You might think: “How can it help me when I am just an employee? Why should I put so much effort into this? People will see the quality of my work, right? I work hard, I have my accomplishments…”

Branding, marketing and Web3 by Yustine Alvares

Branding & Marketing opportunities with Web3

Since we first encountered the first version of the World Wide Web, also known as Web1, brands have used the Internet to grow and gain awareness. The current development is Web3, where investors, consumers, and brands come together. Web3 has become a collective term for a new and better vision of the Internet.

Luxury branding

How to build a strong luxury brand?

Luxury Branding is not easy. You’re targeting a very specific audience, asking them to make a significant investment into something that might not be a necessity. Time to start a perfect luxury branding strategy!

The Value of Networking by Yustine Alvares

Networking: The value of women-only communities.

One of the core activities as a job seeker, entre/solopreneur, and business owner is getting in touch with other people. Networking makes you noticeable and is an interesting avenue for exchanging ideas, new opportunities, getting support, building valuable relations, and creating growth.

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